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Dschané (Switzerland)

The love of freedom, travelling, the troubles of love and the joy of life are the main subjects of the lyrics and songs of the Rom people. The group was formed with the idea of collecting and reproducing gypsy songs. Dschané means, “go, depart , travel” and comes from the Rom language Romanes. Four vocalists, two male and two female, compositions, original arrangements and strong and dynamic accompaniments.

With Andrea Panitz (  vocals and guitar), Lucy Novotnà (vocals and percussion), Ilsi Muna Ferrer (vocals), Boris Aquiles (percussion),  Caspar Fries ( accordion and bass), Marc Bantelli (mandolin, guitar, bass, tuba).

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  • IBAN: CH34 8080 8001 7376 3324 2 Associazione LocarnoFOLK 6600 Locarno